Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My First NPC Bikini Competition- Texas Shredder Classic: Results!

What an amazing experience. I would like to start off with saying THANK YOU! I am so thankful for everyone who has been reading along for my entire journey. This is one of the hardest but most rewarding accomplishements of my entire life so far.

That being said, the NPC Texas Shredder Classic was a huge success. There were SO many amazing girls that I was so lucky to even get the opportunity to step on stage with. From my understanding it was considered a big show. There were four classes (separated by height) A, B, C, D. I was in C. My class consisted of about 30 girls!!! I had NO idea what to expect. The only thing I knew was that in my heart, I was already a winner. The whole day I was calm just soaking in the experience. Getting ready back stage and sharing stories with the other competitors who I felt were like my sisters. There are not many who can endure the lifestyle that we had the last few weeks/months. It was when I stepped foot on the stage I felt my heart start to race. By the time I took center stage I felt my whole body shaking! Hoping the judges didnt notice I did my front and back poses and made my way to the line. Once all of the competitors are on stage they file us through in groups and then they start the first call out.... And the last number I heard... 197... Was ME! I couldnt believe it. I knew that it was pre judging so that did not necessarily mean that I had placed in the top five but I was SO excited!

There are more pictures online, http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?contest=22&year=510&bodybuilder=27063

Three months of HARD work just for this very moment. It was worth every lunge, squat, burpie, cardio session, and cookie I didnt get to eat! I was proud.

We went back to the hotel during the break, having NO idea what might happen that night.

As we all went back on stage for one last individual pose in front of the judges and came off stage. Then they made the announcment... 197!! I made top five!!!

I could not believe it! Just to think that three months before, weighing 135 and at least four pant sizes larger, stepping on a stage wearing a bikini would have been my biggest nightmare.

I am so thankful that I am surrounded by such great people who have inspired me and believed in me. It gave me the confidence to commit and follow through.

I also have to give a TON of credit to my coaches. This would have been near impossible without them OR the support of my loving other half... Who was kind enough to apply my tan! Judge all you want but he did a damn good job!

Last but not least. None of this would have been possible without God. He gives me strength in any endeavor I chose to take on in my life. This being the one of many.

Whats next?? Guess you will have to watch out for the next blog!!



Jess xoxo


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last Pre Competition Post

Well folks.. Only a couple days away. Workouts have lightened up a bit just light cardio these last couple days. Of course staying strict on the diet (very low in carbs right now) and drinking distilled water (1 gallon each day) until tomorrow mid after noon then small sips. Dehydrating a little to tighten up one last little bit. The big question I've been getting for the last few months is, what do you want to eat after?! I really don't know! I think I will see how im feeling after the show but I like this lifestyle and stuffing a burger down my throat after all of this work just doesnt seem appealing to me at all. I have been saving a box of thin mints for almost two months now you better believe I will be enjoying a few of those- cookies, not boxes :)

This has been the most amazing experience of my life. I would not have changed a thing. I was told that there are over 250 athletes signed up (overall). I am not sure how many I will be competing against but I have already had the pleasure of meeting a few of them and I must say the competition is steep! Nervous? Anxious? Not really.. I know that no matter what I do my life is in God's hands. I am just so thankful to be given the strength and ability to endure! Hopefully I keep my calm during the show as well. I am so excited to meet people who have gone through the same thing that I have over the last few months. I would LOVE to place top 5 but seeing as this is my first show I have no idea what might happen. There is no way in hell I will be disappointed, no matter what the outcome.  My good friend Brittany hooked me up with an awesome photographer so I could capture some pics for the occassion.. here are a few of them:

Thank you for the words of encouragement and good luck wishes! Im going to give em hell!

Austin Bound!


Philippians 4:13

"I can do all this through him who gives me STRENGTH."


Getting Stage Ready

Now for my favorite part about this whole journey, playing dress up!

Let's start with hair. The bikini division is a very fun flirty type of presentation. I am putting clip in hair extensions to give my hair a longer and fuller look so I have more to whip around. I like to ball on a budget so I made my own! It's really simple you can buy fake hair at any beauty supply store for under $40, make sure to get human hair so you can apply heat to curl/straighten it. Match it to your color. I bought mine LONG, you can always get them cut if they are too long . I have a total of four layers, some tripled and some doubled, just depends on which areas you want to look fuller. I decided to go BIG, you know what they say, everything is bigger in Texas! I measured each track to each layer of my head starting at the base of my neck up to the crown. I doubled (some were tripled) the layers up and sewed them onto small clips which I also got from the beauty supply shop. Make sure you use thick thread that matches the color of the hair. Here is how it turned out:

My coach will be doing my make up thankfully as I usually do not apply a lot of makeup. Stage lights wash you out so you may think its too much backstage when it's really not enough.

My jewelry is simple but blinged out! Bracelets, earrings, and ring all for under $7. Try charming Charlie, forever 21, or even a beauty supply store.

Still working on a base tan for a more natural look when I apply the rub on tan next weekend. I am SO excited!! Photo shoot on Tuesday. Last hard week, let the fun begin!

Xoxo Jess


Monday, April 9, 2012

1 week Bikini Competition

We are almost there!!!!

We did a bit of carb cycling this past week to try and get more of my mid section down. Two days in a row no carbs and then incorporate them back in slightly on the third day. This technique is exhausting but it definitely made a difference. No carb diets are not ideal for the norm because you have to have carbs for energy and also to help transport protein to your muscles, just remember this was for a competition (short term). The third day when I put carbs back into the diet was the day I was lacking the most energy. So here we are ONE week out, I still can't believe it.

This weekend was Easter.. Not easy at all! I was visiting family out of town but managed to avoid all of the home cooked food and still get my workouts in. Food was pre made and all packed up:

Sprints and plyo exercises. You only need a driveway or open space to do that, so the whole "I travel a lot" cop out...no excuses!

Weight was down to 115 last week... Wow! I haven't weighed that much since high school! And I never expected to again in my life. Its a great feeling. I have never felt so good or so healthy. I feel like I can accomplish anything I put my mind towards now, and in one week I will be considered as part of a small population of people who can say they have done a competitive fitness competition. What an amazing accomplishment in only 12 weeks! Just finishing up some final touches with workouts and REALLY focusing on a clean, lean diet this week. As I say in all aspects of my life...I will continue to do my best, the rest is in God's hands!

xoxo Jess


Saturday, March 31, 2012

2 weeks Bikini Competition

Almost there!!! This past week work was killer. I has to miss a couple workouts because of it but, hey, it pays the bills! My weight dropped a bit more to 117 mid week and I'm still getting a bit smaller and muscles are starting to show. Besides being tired I'm feeling good. Here it is:

I am writing this entry from bed. It's the weirdest thing but I have been waking up every night at 3 am on the dot, eyes WIDE open. I'm not 100% sure why but I think it has to do with my eating schedule. My last meal of the day is usually by 7 pm so by 3 am my body probably wants more?? I'll have to look into that.

I have started on the most exciting part of this whole journey, cosmetics! I am no pro but I have been looking at a lot of photos of previous competitors and I have seen some not so flattering tan jobs. I figured the darker I am naturally the better it will look on stage with the rub on tan, so I've started tanning. I thought about not using the rub on tan at all but that could have a negative effect on your score and we don't want that! My coach suggested Jan Tana which i ordered online. Guess we will see how it turns out.

Jan Tana Show Tan - 6 fl oz (177 ml)

Stage lights wash you out so rubbing on a dark tan enhances your skin tone and physique. Some other things I have seen that I am trying to avoid:

Face tan not matching your body tone.
Splotchy, uneven, color
Looking un natural while posing - I have three posing sessions this weekend with different people to get even more comfortable with my posing.
Bad makeup.

It would be terrible to have to have something that you do in minutes take away from that beautiful physique on stage that you have spent so much time and energy perfecting.

This week is the last hard week for me as far as workouts go. Diet won't be changing too much. Last week to kick it in gear! Ill be traveling next weekend for Easter so I will have to do sprints and plyo for workouts because there isn't a gym. No excuses!

God is Good, Always

Jess xo


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Burning fat and Heart Rate

I have been promising a blog about heart rate and working out at different cardio levels.

Just a bit about the heart. The average resting heart rate is 60-80 beats per min (bpm). The lower your resting heart rate the more efficient your heart is, and the higher your heart rate vice versa. After starting my training I have gotten my resting heart rate in the 30's...... living well!!

You can get a great workout in with or without a heart rate monitor, however, it is much easier to push yourself during your entire cardio session if you know how hard you are working (without having to grab onto the metal handles on the cardio machine, or you can do cardio in other places like run outside!).

There are two energy sources your body utilizes, fat and sugar. The point at which your body starts utilizing mainly sugar is above what is called your anaerobic threshold (AT). The average calculation for this if you have a heart rate monitor is 180-age. If you consider yourself fit, add ten to that number.

So, I am 26 this would be my calculation:

180-26+10= 164 beats per minute

When you reach AT you feel the burn in your workout, jaw dropped, breathing to the point that if you were to talk you can't say more than two words without having to take a breath. For burning fat you want to keep just below this point.

While doing fat burning cardio I usually try to stay within 20 bpm of my AT (145-170 bpm).

You can get a decent heart rate monitor for $40-$70. The one I have straps to my chest:

Some exercises will increase your heart rate more than others, which is why you shouldn't always do the same form of cardio. If you run one mile everyday, after a few months your body will adapt and you will not get the same results (plateau). Move it to the stairs, cycle, elliptical, or add speed/incline. LOTS of ways to add variation.

If I look down and the watch is reading 100 bpm.. I know I need to push harder!

Thats motivation for me!

Hope this was helpful... back to it. Get ready for 2 week update and then COMPETITION TIME.




Monday, March 26, 2012

3 weeks- Bikini Competition & ABS!

Hey there!

Sorry its been a while since i have been able to post.. Life is SO busy right now with work alone, add training to that, well, you can imagine :)

So recap of the last couple weeks

Week 4: We took out some carbs in the AM. Not a ton, but it make a HUGE difference in the way I felt. This was the first week I actually felt hungry. By hungry I mean STARVING. This is the part where competition prep is different than maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It would not be ideal to do this year round. I may be sweet but I'm competitive and stubborn as hell which pushes me where a lot of people might give up! I love the fact that its tough because it makes me feel like im accomplishing something. I can't say it enough, if this were easy everyone would be doing it. TOUGH workouts last week and this week. Starting off shoulders on Monday with 30 burpies between each exercise and plyo between each set (squat jumps). Just to give you an idea.

I take my progression pics at 6 am so excuse the hair lol

3 weeks out:

I have started getting my posing down. Basically what you see above, turn to the back, and once more to the front, with a bit of attitude, my favorite part :)
Diet still includes mainly fish, veggies, egg whites, oats, sweet potato, and some good fat (almonds).
Heavy on this fish this week (keeping it lean!)

So I was changing in the locker room the other day and I had a girl ask me, what do you do for abs?!

The funny part about it, I haven't really done a ton of ab exercises until about a week or two ago. I am not sure if you have heard this before but I stand by the saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen." You can do crunches and sit ups all day long but if they are covered by a layer of fat then you will never see them. Doing abdominal exercises will not cause you to lose belly fat, eating right and being active will!

Getting rid of body fat in this journey so far has been a mixture of diet, weights, and cardio. One thing that I have learned that my body has reacted to well is the way I do cardio. I do not just spend an hour a day on the elliptical. I do 20-30 mins of HIIT- Sprints! before I lift in the morning. I go back after work and get 45 mins in at night three times a week. My cardio at night is spent in a lower heart rate zone (aerobic). I use my heart rate monitor for this but its usually at the point where you are working hard enough that you cant say more than two words without having to take a breath.

Look out for my next blog for heart rate and cardio.

After all of that is said.. I FEEL AMAZING! I was able to eat sushi on Saturday night (limited) but it was SO good. This morning I had an awesome workout so I am starting week three out strongly.

It's amazing to me that not even 6 months ago I was wearing a size 8! I went shopping the other day and the retail worker said.. umm you are SMALL might need to try a 0!

Hard work pays off:

If you havent already, please 'like' my facebook page! facebook.com/jessdoitforyou
More to come soon. God Bless!

xoxo Jess

"Dont forget to smile, you never know who could be looking!"

Monday, March 12, 2012

5 Weeks- Bikini Competition & Basic Tips for Weight Loss


Hope life is treating you well... It's been SO good to me!

Here we are, 5 weeks out!

I decided to put it up next to where I started just to show the progression a bit better.

I got a new suit!! I love it! I have been learning so much from my amazing coach. She suggested the colors that will stand out on stage and look good on my physique.

Weight is at 121. Although weight is not something I use as guage my progression (I've lost around 10 lbs total) it's always a good thing to use to push yourself and push the limits further. Some weeks I lose 3 lbs, some i dont lose any, some i've gained a lb or two. Its all in the mixture of the process of burning fat and building muscle.

I do a total of about 9 workouts a week. So I am still working out twice a day at least three times a week. I haven't posted diets or workouts because those are given to me by a coach. The breakdown looks like this:

Monday: Shoulders/Cardio
Tuesday: Legs/Cardio
Wednesday: 1 hour cardio
Thursday: Back/Core/Cardio
Friday: 1 hour cardio
Saturday: Arms
Sunday: 1 hour cardio, or rest.. depending on how my body feels

LOTS of work! Remember, I am training for a competition. This would be a tough to do year round.

I have had a lot of people asking me for tips. It depends on what your goals are (you must define your goals so you have a reference point to work towards). For non-competitors looking for weight loss here are just a few to get you started:

  •  NUTRITION - This is a BIG part of losing weight. Watch what you put in your mouth! Try eating five meals a day. In each meal include a good protein source, vegetables, and a small amount of complex carbs (wheat bread/crackers/wrap, oats, sweet potato, brown rice). The amounts of these will vary depending on your weight and activity level. A good site that i used to use back in my personal training days was myfitnesspal.com. You can enter your information and your goals and it will give you a good idea of what your intake should be. You can also track your food here. Stay away from sugar, sugar increases the storage of fat. It also messes with your blood sugar levels which makes you crave more of it and also makes you want to eat more in general.

  • BE ACTIVE! Mix it up. Some days do aerobic cardio (below your anaerobic threshold). i will be writing more about this soon, but this is your fat burning state. In this state you shouldn't be able to say two words without taking a breath (hard but not extremely hard). Other days do HIIT intervals which is a higher intensity cardio (sprints). Here is an example:


Jog 1 min
Sprint 1 min
Jog 2 min
Sprint 1 min
Jog 2 min
Sprint 1 min
Walk 1 min
Sprint 1 min

Repeat 2 times(30 minutes total)

           Do not forget resistance training! Do not be afraid to lift heavy weights! About 12 reps per exercise (3 sets). Increasing muscle = increase metabolism. Who doesnt want their body burning calories when they arent working out?!

  • Never forget that this is a lifestyle. There is no such thing as a diet. A diet assumes that you will be following a specific regime until you reach your goals, and then what?? As soon as you stop dieting and you go back to your pre diet life you will get right back to where you were! Don't waste your time on 'dieting'. Choose to live a better life and commit!! Welcome, its a beautiful feeling.

  • Make changes. If you stop seeing results its because you need to revaulate your goals. My diet and workouts change every week based on my physique and weight. If you continue to do the same thing you will hit a wall which can be extremely frustrating.
This is a great start. Feel free to come to me with questions! Im LOVING all of the support!

MY goals for week 5-

Get weight in the teens!
This week my diet has had a couple changes, mostly more fish (leaner protein source) and the addition of salmon to one of my meals to get a good fat source mmmm..

Also, I've got to work on my lower back. LOTS of back extensions.

Have a blessed week!!! Keep living well!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

7 weeks- Bikini Competition

7 weeks out to the tx shredder and I'm feeling pretty good. These past couple weeks have been more focused on burning fat so lots of cardio and sprint intervals in addition to lifting. It has not been until now that I want to eat everything and anything. For the most part I have been on point but I did add a few egg whites with salsa when I just had to eat more. Its also rodeo season here in Houston and for those of you that know anything about cookoff then you can understand how hard these past couple days have been for me. The company I work for sponsored a couple of tents so I went. I gave into the pressure and drank a little bit. I had a feeling it might happen so I did two hours of cardio in the morning to try and cancel it out. I still feel guilty. Although I am human so I am not upset with knowing that I am not perfect. The worst part of it all is i literally feel awful. I ended up with a huge stomach cramp and a terrible mood. Needless to say I will not be slipping up these next seven weeks.. It hurts! Again, I still have a lot of work these next seven weeks but here are my progression pics, sorry for the poor quality, I will fix that when I have a little more time:

I have been more irritable. It only takes a few annoyances to stress me out. Still working on balancing. I have also started waking up randomly around 3 am for about an hour, WIDE awake. I was told it was part of the diet. Nothing a little melatonin wont take care of and it really doesnt effect me as far as feeling more tired during the day.

Overall I am still enjoying the experience. I am going to start posing a lot more these next couple weeks. My suit is a bit big so I am looking into getting it altered or possibly getting a new one. Some other things I've started considering is hair extensions, hair, makeup, tan. But we have some time, i will definitely keep you posted :)

I went and got some eyelash extensions done this past weekend, more for myself, but they will look awesome on stage fot the competition. Mercedes at Luxury Lash Studio is a true artist and is so passionate about what she does they look AMAZING. Check them out!

The biggest thing I've learned about my journey so far is that competition prep is not for the faint of heart. You are tested every moment of everyday with every meal, every workout, every weekend, when everyone else around you is doing all of the things you miss.
"without deprivation from the norm, progress is not possible." - Frank Zappa

It's called a competition for a reason,
                   and I wouldn't change a thing.

Thank you to those who have been putting up with all of my craziness during this journey so far.. This would not be as enjoyable without you.

If you haven't already.. Make sure you like my Facebook page! Facebook.com/jesssoitforyou

Monday, February 20, 2012

8 weeks- Bikini Competition! And white fish. Mmmmm

Hi friends!

Quick update this week. 8 weeks out and I had some changes. We added lots of cardio and sprints. Super tiring but each week is an adjustment. I typically have changes every two weeks so this week should be easier but still tough. Got my shoes in! They are a bit big but I can walk in them comfortably. I heard to go one size up so I did, but if there is a next time I will probably get my normal size. I practiced a bit of posing and walking just trying to get comfortable, I still have some work to do but this is where I am now:

My diet also changed. The biggest change was much more white fish..
It only took me a few months but ive found a way to enjoy my fish! I went with Swai. Its easier to keep together when measuring out portions, tastes better (in my opinion), and doesn't get slimy like the tilapia does (yuck). Here is how I make it taste yummy:

White pepper
Black pepper
Celery seed
Onion powder
Garlic powder

Put about 1/2 tsp of each spice on both sides of fish then bake at 375 for like 30 mins or until cooked through. I wasn't watching the time because I was prepping other foods at the same time.

More updates to come!

xoxo Jess

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just Say NO

My kitchen at work:



If I can keep from eating/drinking any of these things you can too! Just a few tips on how to keep from indulging in a world with so many unhealthy things right at our fingertips.

-My number one rule: be prepared! If you pack your lunch and small healthy snacks to eat throughout the day you are less likely to eat out or grab something that is not good for you.

-Eat every two and a half to three hours. By eat I do not mean eating seven square meals a day. Eating a small snack between meals that are high in protein and/or fiber will keep your blood sugar levels regulated which, in turn, will make you less inclined to grab for that candy bar or those chips when you get hungry. The goal is to never let yourself feel hungry. The sensation of hunger can also lead you to overeat. You may be hungry but its not necessary to eat the entire footlong sub, know what I mean?!

-Drink your water. If you consistently drink water as you should (see previous blog for water consumption recommendations) you will also be less likely to feel hungry.

-Chew mint gum. The minty flavor keeps me from craving sweets (my weakness). This pointer may vary person to person but this one does work for me.

-Keep your goals in mind. If you have not yet set your goals then why wouldn't you want to eat any of these things? Set your goals and keep them on your mind all the time, you can even put a pic of something that symbolizes your goal on or near something that you look at often. Like that cute bikini you want to look good in this summer, or a pic of your family that you consistently try to set the example for, or a quote that inspires you, or a fitness competitor (for me!).

Keep being awesome! I am LOVING all of the encouragement and support. Thank you for inspiring me everyday....

xoxo Jess


Hola!! Happy Thursday!

I have been getting SO much love from everyone in supporting my journey for this competition and i am beyond greatful. I am so blessed to have such good people in my life. Some of you may know that this is my second attempt at training for a competition. I tried to prep at the end of the season last year and I did not have the support that I have now. Needless to say, I did not succeed. I knew I had to make some changes in my life before attempting another prep and once I did I have never been so focused. I do get tired pretty often which is understandable (two workouts a day takes a toll on you) but I feel stronger than ever before!

A lot say to me, "I am not sure how you do it." To be honest, what I am doing is not the most impressive thing in the world. I am proud of myself when I can push myself further with each workout or when I pass up on something that I would normally love to do to keep from putting myself in a position to 'cheat'. I am not perfect. There is one thing that I am most proud of though and that is passing

Monday, February 6, 2012

9 weeks - Bikini Competition & Living Well On the Road

Hey guys!

As always, I hope you had another fantastic week! I am now at about nine weeks out. Started with posing this past weekend! It's important to have someone help you with posing who knows what ways are best to present your physique. There are many different ways you can position yourself to showcase your fine points. I will know more once more of the weight comes off but it was a great first run. I am down about 7 pounds from my starting weight from beginning of January which is good considering I am putting on some muscle. This coming week I am cutting down cardio and increasing the weight! Time to 'get buff'. This past week (week 10) was spent on the road for me. I also ordered my shoes! We are sticking with something simple that does not wrap around the ankle to prevent a 'cut off' look from the ankle to the lower leg. This is what my coach picked out:

Onto getting in done while on the road..

I had to be in Austin for work from Sunday to Thursday. I still managed to get in my two workouts a day and stick to my meal plan. That being said, I know a lot of people who have crazy hours or are always traveling for work so I decided to give some tips that may be helpful.

The most important thing to do while traveling is to be prepared. Packing food is like packing clothes. You have to pack for each day like you would with your outfits. If you are not committed to dinners or lunches bring foods that you can eat on the go or in your room. My insulated lunch bag makes it very easy to bring my food with me whenever I am on the go (which is about 99% of the time). I also have a large insulated bag that I pre prepared everything with and stored inside:

Most hotels will have a mini fridge, and if they dont you can usually rent one from the front desk for  a small fee (it was $10 for the week).

If you do not have the luxury of eating your own pre made meals and you have no choice but to eat out you can pretty much find protein and veggies on any restaurant menu. Skip the breads and appetizers and make sure you can order a healthy meal.

Some examples of things you can pre make and pack:

Turkey Wraps
Lettuce (keep dressing separate for salads)
Fruit - bananas, apples, pears
Canned Tuna
Pre cooked chicken breast
raw vegetables- carrots, broccoli, celery
peanut butter + sugar free jelly sandwich
oatmeal bars

My diet is a bit different due to competition prep so I pre cook and separate everything in tupperwear.
But thats just to give you an idea.

Lets talk about fitness!

Workouts on the road..

I am very thankful that I had a gym in the hotel I was staying at so I utilized that. It had a pretty decent weight room so I could still do what I needed to do and modify when I had to.

If you do not have access to a gym while on the road, plyometrics and body weight exercises are going to be your best bet. Here is a good sample of an exercise you could do right in your room!

30 squat jumps
25 pushups
25 dips (on a chair)
20 burpies
30 1 legged lunges (15 per leg)
  **One foot back on the bed or a chair

Repeat for a total of three rounds

After you complete this, go get your cardio on outside! Its always nice to get out of the hotel, especially if you are in a cool place. Running around downtown Austin was so awesome!

Hope this is helpful to those of you who are busy bees traveling around all the time for work or whatever else. Remember self discipline is key. No excuses.

Stay blessed!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

12 weeks out - Bikini Compitition

Hey!! 12 weeks out and still going strong!

My focus this week is to put on some muscle.. The goal is to be as lean as possible. I am definitely not trying to look like a body builder but I am lacking definition. I am still doing my lifts in the morning. This week, for upper body, I have increased weights and reduced the reps to 8-15. Legs are still higher reps lower weight.

There is a common misconception that if women lift heavier weights they will look like a man... It takes a lot of weight and supplementation to get that way so ladies, don't be afraid to throw around some weight. Increasing your muscle mass will increase metabolism. Most workout routines should include both cardiovascular fitness and resistance training.

My diet has stayed the same so far, eating 7 times a day. Some of the foods include:

Egg whites
Sweet Potato
Whey Protein
***I make everything plain, no sugar, no salt.. mmmmm
My weight is staying pretty much the same as i add muscle but my body is making progress.

One thing that I need to improve on is REST.. I had a really hard time last week because of lack of sleep. I need to remember my priority. This is a competition for a reason so the prep should take ALL of my effort. Missing happy hours and get togethers is temporary. I need to stop feeling bad for missing events and remember what my goals are! Sorry for being MIA, for now. Those who are real friends should understand :)

This weekend was spent laying low (for the most part). The goal is at least 7 hours of sleep each night so I can give my best in the gym.

That's it for now! Enjoy your week friends!

"...THINK of only the best, WORK for only the best, and EXPECT only the best." -Optimist Creed (Christian D Larson)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's All About The Booty

As an amateur, I have been doing all that I can to reach out to fellow seasoned competitors to learn as much as I can about competing. I am amazed by all of the great feedback I have been getting. I have had people around me reaching out to help in any way they can. The most common bit of advice i have gotten is about working your glutes and hamstrings... LOTS  of squats and lunges.

I have been doing legs two times a week. I also do 100 lunges every night after my 40 mins of cardio. Whenever I do my leg exercises I always focus on tightening my glutes as I do them.

For the show, I have been doing high reps low weight.

I am always down for a new killer leg workout. I have already posted this one to the facebook page but I really like it so here it is again:

The A$$ Workout:

30 Walking Lunges
30 Frog Jumps
30 Box Jumps
20 Burpies
30 Squat Jumps
30 Sit ups
50 Yard Sprint

Repeat 2x

Enjoy :)
Feel free to post any suggestions or resources for competition prep!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Prep - and 13 weeks

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Last week was another great week in a different way. The upside, I got in all of my workouts and pushed myself as hard as I could. Diet was on point. My weight maintained....

One's first reaction would be to be down on themselves but I am not. Week fourteen I had a big loss of 5 lbs! As my coach says, there will be weeks with 5lb losses, 2 lb losses, 0 lb losses, etc.

Weight loss is a long term commitment. I am going to take it even further by saying that it is a lifestyle. If you expect results and give up when you don't get them then you will not reach your goals. Stick with it, even if you have weeks with no loss! This is where many people struggle. If you decide to clean up your eating and start working out and your friend Bob continues living an unhealthy lifestyle, many would be upset to know that he was lazy and ate whatever with the same results at the end of the week (no weight loss). BUT if you keep it up you will not be thinking the same thing in 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 20 weeks, a year!!

That being said, when you plateau its time to change it up.. A few things have changed for this week. Workouts are pretty much the same with a few different exercises. My diet is also a bit different.

Due to the fact that each person is different (so you could not follow my diet and get the same results) I can't post my diet. But I do want to show you how I prep to make it as easy as possible to stick to it!

Sundays are used for cooking and portioning out my meals for the week. I bake all of my protein (meat) in bulk...



After that, I cut it up in smaller pieces and I weigh it in a food scale to the oz

Each meal gets put into its own container so I can grab it and go when needed:

I purchased an insulated lunch bag that is perfect because im always on the go...

Being prepared will make you less likely to eat things that you will later regret. It takes time but it will be so helpful for you!

Have a blessed week! PUSH HARD

Friday, January 13, 2012


Here are a couple of workouts to try out. Make sure you give the muscle group you work a day of rest after!

Core/Upper Bod workout:

15 pushups
15 dips
Mountain Climbers (1min)
SUPERSET: Bicep Curls, Skull Crushers, Hammer Curls 2x15
20 V-ups
1 min plank
Med ball twist from side to side in sit up position (40 seconds)
Treadmill sprints: 30 sprint, 1 min off --- repeat 2x

The A$$ Workout:

30 Walking Lunges
30 Frog Jumps
30 Box Jumps
... 20 Burpies
30 Squat Jumps
30 Sit ups
50 Yard Sprint

Repeat 2x

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hello friends!

Hope you are having as good of a week as I am! Just a quick line today about one of the most important things while training and living in general, water!! There are many mixed reviews about how much water you should intake. Here is a good article I found that might give you some direction:


As for me, I have been drinking 1-1 1/2 gallons each day! For a few reasons, one being my increased level of activity (2 workouts a day) causes my body to lose a lot of fluid. I also would like my body to absorb everything I put into it. Each person is different but for me, carrying around a one gallon jug filled with water seems a bit much. The easiest thing I have found is to buy a 1 L (or a 33 oz) bottle of water and filling it up four times a day minimum. That way I can space out my water consumption throuhgout the day....

Once I get close to the competition I will cut back on my water intake to show muscle definition, but I have some time for that.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Total Body Workout

Hey everyone!

Heading into 14 weeks out from the TX Shredder. I busted my butt and had a great week last week! I can barely walk up the stairs and it feels awesome. This week my goal is to push harder and move faster, no room for slacking :)

I have had a few people asking about getting into a lifting routine so I figured I would post a good 'resistance' workout to start with. Resistance training has a lot of benefits. Increased muscle mass = increased metabolism. It was also be helpful in increasing everyday activity by giving you more strength and can also increase bone density. As a beginner, you will not start out pushing around anything heavy.

Like I mentioned before, every BODY is different and you could be doing different workouts based on your goals. I would not attempt any workout until you know the proper form. If you are completely new to resistance training, using the machines is a good place to learn form. Machines also show you what movements work which muscle groups.

In all of my workouts, the goal is to KEEP MOVING!

Example Total Body Workout:

10 minute warmup (treadmill jog, stairmaster, bike)
30 step ups + dumbbell shoulder press (alternate leg each step)
30 squat jumps
20 pushups (modified if needed)
20 dips (on a bench)
10 burpies
30 walking lunges + bicep curl with dumbbells
25 sit ups with medicine ball over head
1 min plank

Repeat 2x

Workouts can be modified (less reps, more weight). This workout uses a lot of different muscle groups and body weight so its a great place to start. It has some plyometrics incorporated so your heart rate is elevated the entire time. I will randomly post more later.

Pics to come soon!!


Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolutions = Busy Gym

Week one is coming to a close. My body 'hurts so good' and I LOVE it. I am feeling great and getting smaller by the day.

One obstacle of the week was fighting the "New Years Resolution" crowd. It is exciting to see so many people who aspire to make working out a part of their lives. Unfortunately, a lot of them do not last. For those of you who are avid gym attendees, here are some words of advice to get around this during the 'busy season':

* Avoid the Busy Hours-
If possible, avoid prime time (5-7pm). It is pretty much impossible to get to all of the equipment you need during those times. I have found the morning to be the best time to go (around 5am). Not an early bird? Try going a little later after 7pm. Get your dinner in before you go and eat something small after your workout.

* Be Ready to Improvise:
If the equipment you need is being used for your next exercise this is not an excuse to stand there and slack, jump to the next one and come back. Do not stop your workout to wait on someone else, it only holds you back. If it is a more popular machine and you still can't get a set in after skipping it, modify. Find another exercise that works the same muscle group. If you run into 'that guy' that hogs a machine for over 20 mins and SITS on it between sets, politely ask to get a 'quick' set in. Chances are they will let you (if you are that guy... well,  you get the point).

* Use Group Fitness Rooms
A lot of gyms will allow you to use the group fitness rooms when they are not having a class. Most of them will also have some equipment in there for you to use as well. It is a good way to isolate yourself from the crowd and get done what you came in to do.

For those of you who are new or coming back into the fitness scene for the new year, welcome! I also have a few tips for you to try and stay active year round.

*Find a Routine-
Find the most convenient time for you to get into the gym and COMMIT. This is your time so make sure it is a time that will be easy for you to consistenly get a workout in.

*Group Fitness-
Try every group fitness class that you can. If you are a gym member it should be free with your membership. It is a great way to get that extra push and meet other gym friends! Do not be intimidated. Each class has all different types of fitness levels, the instructor should make it work for each level with modifications. If you really can't hang, keep with it.. You will never hang if you give up!

*Buddy System-
It is good to have someone to work out with. This person is not a person to rely on; they are only there to encourage you! You should plan on working out whether or not your buddy decides to join you. Being self-motivated is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It takes continuous, conscious, everyday effort. But it's always nice to have someone by your side to push you when the weight gets too heavy.

*Have Fun!
Find something that you love to do and make it a part of your program. Whether it is playing a sport, swimming, jumping rope, making a game, going outside! Your chances of staying active are much higher if you make it fun! Life is short, enjoy it.

Hope this helps! I pray the best for your goals of 2012 whatever they may be.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Week

The first week is not going bad at all. I feel great! My workouts have changed. I am now doing less weight more reps. LOTS of legs. Here is a breakdown of a typical week:

Mon: LEGS (am) Cardio (pm)
Tues: CHEST/SHOULDERS/TRICEPS (am) Cardio (pm)
Wed: LEGS (am) Cardio (pm)
Thurs: BACK/BICEPS (am) Cardio (pm)
Fri: TOTAL BOD (am) Cardio (pm)
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Stretch

Thats right! Two a days...

1 gallon of water everyday and meals every 2.5-3 hours.

Might not be able to sit tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Every BODY is Different

This journey has been a very crazy/interesting one so far. First of all, I do have to say that it takes a lot of self discipline and motivation. You have to WANT it. And you have to be willing to do what it takes to get it. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Secondly.. After the first few weeks of attempting to train on my own, I had linked up with someone who has a lot of experience with training females in figure and bikini competitions. I have realized that you can read about it all day long and get opinions from people but every BODY is different. I originally started training with a friend. Her and I started out at two completely different places and were doing the exact same thing. Everyone has different reactions to different things. We had no direction. My advice is this: find someone that you trust and that knows what they are doing to help you put together a plan that is specific to you, and stick to them! You will have to drop some money on it but it is worth is especially if you are beginners like us. Everything we do has to be on point. Seven meals a day, no cheating. Eating meals in the proper time frame is one of the most important things when it comes to preparing for a show. Skipping a meal is like missing multiple workouts. I have cleared my schedule for the next 14 weeks. Trying not to commit to anything too crazy that could get in the way of my training and diet. I am starting at 135 lb, 14 weeks out which is a long way to go in a small amount of time. Most experienced competitors can balance a fun life while training at the same time but I am focusing as much as possible my first go round.

So, now I begin. 14 weeks out to the TX shredder. Meals ready. Two workouts a day five days a week and one on Saturday... more details on that to come!

Talk to you soon!

Blog Description

Hey everyone! I am doing my first Bikini competition in April and I have been trying to research information but I have not found a whole lot of info for beginners. SO I have decided to keep track of my experience and what I am doing to get ready for my first time... A bit of background info: health and fitness have been a big part of my life for quite some time now. However, doing the same workout routine without a goal can get a little boring. This is why when my friend Brittany came to me with the idea of doing an NPC Bikini competition I accepted the challenge. Lets be honest, the last time my body was even remotely bikini ready was in High School before I indulged myself during my fun college years. As I started my training I began to realize how many questions others had about health and fitness which always seemed as common knowledge to me (besides the nutrition aspect). My actions started to directly inspire and motivate other people around me. What an amazing thing! I am not trying to compete out of vanity or to win. I am competing to share my experience with others and to hopefully inspire you to live a healthy life too.

I officially started preparing for the TX Shredder in Austin on April 14th about 16 weeks out.. Stay tuned to share this exciting journey with me!