Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolutions = Busy Gym

Week one is coming to a close. My body 'hurts so good' and I LOVE it. I am feeling great and getting smaller by the day.

One obstacle of the week was fighting the "New Years Resolution" crowd. It is exciting to see so many people who aspire to make working out a part of their lives. Unfortunately, a lot of them do not last. For those of you who are avid gym attendees, here are some words of advice to get around this during the 'busy season':

* Avoid the Busy Hours-
If possible, avoid prime time (5-7pm). It is pretty much impossible to get to all of the equipment you need during those times. I have found the morning to be the best time to go (around 5am). Not an early bird? Try going a little later after 7pm. Get your dinner in before you go and eat something small after your workout.

* Be Ready to Improvise:
If the equipment you need is being used for your next exercise this is not an excuse to stand there and slack, jump to the next one and come back. Do not stop your workout to wait on someone else, it only holds you back. If it is a more popular machine and you still can't get a set in after skipping it, modify. Find another exercise that works the same muscle group. If you run into 'that guy' that hogs a machine for over 20 mins and SITS on it between sets, politely ask to get a 'quick' set in. Chances are they will let you (if you are that guy... well,  you get the point).

* Use Group Fitness Rooms
A lot of gyms will allow you to use the group fitness rooms when they are not having a class. Most of them will also have some equipment in there for you to use as well. It is a good way to isolate yourself from the crowd and get done what you came in to do.

For those of you who are new or coming back into the fitness scene for the new year, welcome! I also have a few tips for you to try and stay active year round.

*Find a Routine-
Find the most convenient time for you to get into the gym and COMMIT. This is your time so make sure it is a time that will be easy for you to consistenly get a workout in.

*Group Fitness-
Try every group fitness class that you can. If you are a gym member it should be free with your membership. It is a great way to get that extra push and meet other gym friends! Do not be intimidated. Each class has all different types of fitness levels, the instructor should make it work for each level with modifications. If you really can't hang, keep with it.. You will never hang if you give up!

*Buddy System-
It is good to have someone to work out with. This person is not a person to rely on; they are only there to encourage you! You should plan on working out whether or not your buddy decides to join you. Being self-motivated is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It takes continuous, conscious, everyday effort. But it's always nice to have someone by your side to push you when the weight gets too heavy.

*Have Fun!
Find something that you love to do and make it a part of your program. Whether it is playing a sport, swimming, jumping rope, making a game, going outside! Your chances of staying active are much higher if you make it fun! Life is short, enjoy it.

Hope this helps! I pray the best for your goals of 2012 whatever they may be.

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