Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Prep - and 13 weeks

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Last week was another great week in a different way. The upside, I got in all of my workouts and pushed myself as hard as I could. Diet was on point. My weight maintained....

One's first reaction would be to be down on themselves but I am not. Week fourteen I had a big loss of 5 lbs! As my coach says, there will be weeks with 5lb losses, 2 lb losses, 0 lb losses, etc.

Weight loss is a long term commitment. I am going to take it even further by saying that it is a lifestyle. If you expect results and give up when you don't get them then you will not reach your goals. Stick with it, even if you have weeks with no loss! This is where many people struggle. If you decide to clean up your eating and start working out and your friend Bob continues living an unhealthy lifestyle, many would be upset to know that he was lazy and ate whatever with the same results at the end of the week (no weight loss). BUT if you keep it up you will not be thinking the same thing in 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 20 weeks, a year!!

That being said, when you plateau its time to change it up.. A few things have changed for this week. Workouts are pretty much the same with a few different exercises. My diet is also a bit different.

Due to the fact that each person is different (so you could not follow my diet and get the same results) I can't post my diet. But I do want to show you how I prep to make it as easy as possible to stick to it!

Sundays are used for cooking and portioning out my meals for the week. I bake all of my protein (meat) in bulk...



After that, I cut it up in smaller pieces and I weigh it in a food scale to the oz

Each meal gets put into its own container so I can grab it and go when needed:

I purchased an insulated lunch bag that is perfect because im always on the go...

Being prepared will make you less likely to eat things that you will later regret. It takes time but it will be so helpful for you!

Have a blessed week! PUSH HARD

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! Very Inspirational and encouraging. I want to be better with my eating habits and workout. Your workouts are not complicated or hard to understand, instead easy to follow and powerful to perform. Thanks for posting. Miss you beautiful <3
