Sunday, February 26, 2012

7 weeks- Bikini Competition

7 weeks out to the tx shredder and I'm feeling pretty good. These past couple weeks have been more focused on burning fat so lots of cardio and sprint intervals in addition to lifting. It has not been until now that I want to eat everything and anything. For the most part I have been on point but I did add a few egg whites with salsa when I just had to eat more. Its also rodeo season here in Houston and for those of you that know anything about cookoff then you can understand how hard these past couple days have been for me. The company I work for sponsored a couple of tents so I went. I gave into the pressure and drank a little bit. I had a feeling it might happen so I did two hours of cardio in the morning to try and cancel it out. I still feel guilty. Although I am human so I am not upset with knowing that I am not perfect. The worst part of it all is i literally feel awful. I ended up with a huge stomach cramp and a terrible mood. Needless to say I will not be slipping up these next seven weeks.. It hurts! Again, I still have a lot of work these next seven weeks but here are my progression pics, sorry for the poor quality, I will fix that when I have a little more time:

I have been more irritable. It only takes a few annoyances to stress me out. Still working on balancing. I have also started waking up randomly around 3 am for about an hour, WIDE awake. I was told it was part of the diet. Nothing a little melatonin wont take care of and it really doesnt effect me as far as feeling more tired during the day.

Overall I am still enjoying the experience. I am going to start posing a lot more these next couple weeks. My suit is a bit big so I am looking into getting it altered or possibly getting a new one. Some other things I've started considering is hair extensions, hair, makeup, tan. But we have some time, i will definitely keep you posted :)

I went and got some eyelash extensions done this past weekend, more for myself, but they will look awesome on stage fot the competition. Mercedes at Luxury Lash Studio is a true artist and is so passionate about what she does they look AMAZING. Check them out!

The biggest thing I've learned about my journey so far is that competition prep is not for the faint of heart. You are tested every moment of everyday with every meal, every workout, every weekend, when everyone else around you is doing all of the things you miss.
"without deprivation from the norm, progress is not possible." - Frank Zappa

It's called a competition for a reason,
                   and I wouldn't change a thing.

Thank you to those who have been putting up with all of my craziness during this journey so far.. This would not be as enjoyable without you.

If you haven't already.. Make sure you like my Facebook page!


  1. Looks great! I've slowly gone through your pages and am impressed with the nutritional content. It's difficult to see the muscle detail with the new pics, b/c the resolution is low and when you click to "enlarge" they are even smaller and more difficult to see. All in all, great work. You inspire me! I'm gonna get my act together and eat better...exercise is already occurring. :) Good day, Jess!

  2. Found your blog on Pinterest. I'm training for my first bikini show too! I'm 7 weeks out from my show, and you look WAY better than I do! Congrats! It's definitely not an easy road!
