Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just Say NO

My kitchen at work:



If I can keep from eating/drinking any of these things you can too! Just a few tips on how to keep from indulging in a world with so many unhealthy things right at our fingertips.

-My number one rule: be prepared! If you pack your lunch and small healthy snacks to eat throughout the day you are less likely to eat out or grab something that is not good for you.

-Eat every two and a half to three hours. By eat I do not mean eating seven square meals a day. Eating a small snack between meals that are high in protein and/or fiber will keep your blood sugar levels regulated which, in turn, will make you less inclined to grab for that candy bar or those chips when you get hungry. The goal is to never let yourself feel hungry. The sensation of hunger can also lead you to overeat. You may be hungry but its not necessary to eat the entire footlong sub, know what I mean?!

-Drink your water. If you consistently drink water as you should (see previous blog for water consumption recommendations) you will also be less likely to feel hungry.

-Chew mint gum. The minty flavor keeps me from craving sweets (my weakness). This pointer may vary person to person but this one does work for me.

-Keep your goals in mind. If you have not yet set your goals then why wouldn't you want to eat any of these things? Set your goals and keep them on your mind all the time, you can even put a pic of something that symbolizes your goal on or near something that you look at often. Like that cute bikini you want to look good in this summer, or a pic of your family that you consistently try to set the example for, or a quote that inspires you, or a fitness competitor (for me!).

Keep being awesome! I am LOVING all of the encouragement and support. Thank you for inspiring me everyday....

xoxo Jess

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