Monday, January 9, 2012

Total Body Workout

Hey everyone!

Heading into 14 weeks out from the TX Shredder. I busted my butt and had a great week last week! I can barely walk up the stairs and it feels awesome. This week my goal is to push harder and move faster, no room for slacking :)

I have had a few people asking about getting into a lifting routine so I figured I would post a good 'resistance' workout to start with. Resistance training has a lot of benefits. Increased muscle mass = increased metabolism. It was also be helpful in increasing everyday activity by giving you more strength and can also increase bone density. As a beginner, you will not start out pushing around anything heavy.

Like I mentioned before, every BODY is different and you could be doing different workouts based on your goals. I would not attempt any workout until you know the proper form. If you are completely new to resistance training, using the machines is a good place to learn form. Machines also show you what movements work which muscle groups.

In all of my workouts, the goal is to KEEP MOVING!

Example Total Body Workout:

10 minute warmup (treadmill jog, stairmaster, bike)
30 step ups + dumbbell shoulder press (alternate leg each step)
30 squat jumps
20 pushups (modified if needed)
20 dips (on a bench)
10 burpies
30 walking lunges + bicep curl with dumbbells
25 sit ups with medicine ball over head
1 min plank

Repeat 2x

Workouts can be modified (less reps, more weight). This workout uses a lot of different muscle groups and body weight so its a great place to start. It has some plyometrics incorporated so your heart rate is elevated the entire time. I will randomly post more later.

Pics to come soon!!


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