Tuesday, January 24, 2012

12 weeks out - Bikini Compitition

Hey!! 12 weeks out and still going strong!

My focus this week is to put on some muscle.. The goal is to be as lean as possible. I am definitely not trying to look like a body builder but I am lacking definition. I am still doing my lifts in the morning. This week, for upper body, I have increased weights and reduced the reps to 8-15. Legs are still higher reps lower weight.

There is a common misconception that if women lift heavier weights they will look like a man... It takes a lot of weight and supplementation to get that way so ladies, don't be afraid to throw around some weight. Increasing your muscle mass will increase metabolism. Most workout routines should include both cardiovascular fitness and resistance training.

My diet has stayed the same so far, eating 7 times a day. Some of the foods include:

Egg whites
Sweet Potato
Whey Protein
***I make everything plain, no sugar, no salt.. mmmmm
My weight is staying pretty much the same as i add muscle but my body is making progress.

One thing that I need to improve on is REST.. I had a really hard time last week because of lack of sleep. I need to remember my priority. This is a competition for a reason so the prep should take ALL of my effort. Missing happy hours and get togethers is temporary. I need to stop feeling bad for missing events and remember what my goals are! Sorry for being MIA, for now. Those who are real friends should understand :)

This weekend was spent laying low (for the most part). The goal is at least 7 hours of sleep each night so I can give my best in the gym.

That's it for now! Enjoy your week friends!

"...THINK of only the best, WORK for only the best, and EXPECT only the best." -Optimist Creed (Christian D Larson)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's All About The Booty

As an amateur, I have been doing all that I can to reach out to fellow seasoned competitors to learn as much as I can about competing. I am amazed by all of the great feedback I have been getting. I have had people around me reaching out to help in any way they can. The most common bit of advice i have gotten is about working your glutes and hamstrings... LOTS  of squats and lunges.

I have been doing legs two times a week. I also do 100 lunges every night after my 40 mins of cardio. Whenever I do my leg exercises I always focus on tightening my glutes as I do them.

For the show, I have been doing high reps low weight.

I am always down for a new killer leg workout. I have already posted this one to the facebook page but I really like it so here it is again:

The A$$ Workout:

30 Walking Lunges
30 Frog Jumps
30 Box Jumps
20 Burpies
30 Squat Jumps
30 Sit ups
50 Yard Sprint

Repeat 2x

Enjoy :)
Feel free to post any suggestions or resources for competition prep!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Prep - and 13 weeks

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Last week was another great week in a different way. The upside, I got in all of my workouts and pushed myself as hard as I could. Diet was on point. My weight maintained....

One's first reaction would be to be down on themselves but I am not. Week fourteen I had a big loss of 5 lbs! As my coach says, there will be weeks with 5lb losses, 2 lb losses, 0 lb losses, etc.

Weight loss is a long term commitment. I am going to take it even further by saying that it is a lifestyle. If you expect results and give up when you don't get them then you will not reach your goals. Stick with it, even if you have weeks with no loss! This is where many people struggle. If you decide to clean up your eating and start working out and your friend Bob continues living an unhealthy lifestyle, many would be upset to know that he was lazy and ate whatever with the same results at the end of the week (no weight loss). BUT if you keep it up you will not be thinking the same thing in 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 20 weeks, a year!!

That being said, when you plateau its time to change it up.. A few things have changed for this week. Workouts are pretty much the same with a few different exercises. My diet is also a bit different.

Due to the fact that each person is different (so you could not follow my diet and get the same results) I can't post my diet. But I do want to show you how I prep to make it as easy as possible to stick to it!

Sundays are used for cooking and portioning out my meals for the week. I bake all of my protein (meat) in bulk...



After that, I cut it up in smaller pieces and I weigh it in a food scale to the oz

Each meal gets put into its own container so I can grab it and go when needed:

I purchased an insulated lunch bag that is perfect because im always on the go...

Being prepared will make you less likely to eat things that you will later regret. It takes time but it will be so helpful for you!

Have a blessed week! PUSH HARD

Friday, January 13, 2012


Here are a couple of workouts to try out. Make sure you give the muscle group you work a day of rest after!

Core/Upper Bod workout:

15 pushups
15 dips
Mountain Climbers (1min)
SUPERSET: Bicep Curls, Skull Crushers, Hammer Curls 2x15
20 V-ups
1 min plank
Med ball twist from side to side in sit up position (40 seconds)
Treadmill sprints: 30 sprint, 1 min off --- repeat 2x

The A$$ Workout:

30 Walking Lunges
30 Frog Jumps
30 Box Jumps
... 20 Burpies
30 Squat Jumps
30 Sit ups
50 Yard Sprint

Repeat 2x

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hello friends!

Hope you are having as good of a week as I am! Just a quick line today about one of the most important things while training and living in general, water!! There are many mixed reviews about how much water you should intake. Here is a good article I found that might give you some direction:


As for me, I have been drinking 1-1 1/2 gallons each day! For a few reasons, one being my increased level of activity (2 workouts a day) causes my body to lose a lot of fluid. I also would like my body to absorb everything I put into it. Each person is different but for me, carrying around a one gallon jug filled with water seems a bit much. The easiest thing I have found is to buy a 1 L (or a 33 oz) bottle of water and filling it up four times a day minimum. That way I can space out my water consumption throuhgout the day....

Once I get close to the competition I will cut back on my water intake to show muscle definition, but I have some time for that.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Total Body Workout

Hey everyone!

Heading into 14 weeks out from the TX Shredder. I busted my butt and had a great week last week! I can barely walk up the stairs and it feels awesome. This week my goal is to push harder and move faster, no room for slacking :)

I have had a few people asking about getting into a lifting routine so I figured I would post a good 'resistance' workout to start with. Resistance training has a lot of benefits. Increased muscle mass = increased metabolism. It was also be helpful in increasing everyday activity by giving you more strength and can also increase bone density. As a beginner, you will not start out pushing around anything heavy.

Like I mentioned before, every BODY is different and you could be doing different workouts based on your goals. I would not attempt any workout until you know the proper form. If you are completely new to resistance training, using the machines is a good place to learn form. Machines also show you what movements work which muscle groups.

In all of my workouts, the goal is to KEEP MOVING!

Example Total Body Workout:

10 minute warmup (treadmill jog, stairmaster, bike)
30 step ups + dumbbell shoulder press (alternate leg each step)
30 squat jumps
20 pushups (modified if needed)
20 dips (on a bench)
10 burpies
30 walking lunges + bicep curl with dumbbells
25 sit ups with medicine ball over head
1 min plank

Repeat 2x

Workouts can be modified (less reps, more weight). This workout uses a lot of different muscle groups and body weight so its a great place to start. It has some plyometrics incorporated so your heart rate is elevated the entire time. I will randomly post more later.

Pics to come soon!!


Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolutions = Busy Gym

Week one is coming to a close. My body 'hurts so good' and I LOVE it. I am feeling great and getting smaller by the day.

One obstacle of the week was fighting the "New Years Resolution" crowd. It is exciting to see so many people who aspire to make working out a part of their lives. Unfortunately, a lot of them do not last. For those of you who are avid gym attendees, here are some words of advice to get around this during the 'busy season':

* Avoid the Busy Hours-
If possible, avoid prime time (5-7pm). It is pretty much impossible to get to all of the equipment you need during those times. I have found the morning to be the best time to go (around 5am). Not an early bird? Try going a little later after 7pm. Get your dinner in before you go and eat something small after your workout.

* Be Ready to Improvise:
If the equipment you need is being used for your next exercise this is not an excuse to stand there and slack, jump to the next one and come back. Do not stop your workout to wait on someone else, it only holds you back. If it is a more popular machine and you still can't get a set in after skipping it, modify. Find another exercise that works the same muscle group. If you run into 'that guy' that hogs a machine for over 20 mins and SITS on it between sets, politely ask to get a 'quick' set in. Chances are they will let you (if you are that guy... well,  you get the point).

* Use Group Fitness Rooms
A lot of gyms will allow you to use the group fitness rooms when they are not having a class. Most of them will also have some equipment in there for you to use as well. It is a good way to isolate yourself from the crowd and get done what you came in to do.

For those of you who are new or coming back into the fitness scene for the new year, welcome! I also have a few tips for you to try and stay active year round.

*Find a Routine-
Find the most convenient time for you to get into the gym and COMMIT. This is your time so make sure it is a time that will be easy for you to consistenly get a workout in.

*Group Fitness-
Try every group fitness class that you can. If you are a gym member it should be free with your membership. It is a great way to get that extra push and meet other gym friends! Do not be intimidated. Each class has all different types of fitness levels, the instructor should make it work for each level with modifications. If you really can't hang, keep with it.. You will never hang if you give up!

*Buddy System-
It is good to have someone to work out with. This person is not a person to rely on; they are only there to encourage you! You should plan on working out whether or not your buddy decides to join you. Being self-motivated is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It takes continuous, conscious, everyday effort. But it's always nice to have someone by your side to push you when the weight gets too heavy.

*Have Fun!
Find something that you love to do and make it a part of your program. Whether it is playing a sport, swimming, jumping rope, making a game, going outside! Your chances of staying active are much higher if you make it fun! Life is short, enjoy it.

Hope this helps! I pray the best for your goals of 2012 whatever they may be.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Week

The first week is not going bad at all. I feel great! My workouts have changed. I am now doing less weight more reps. LOTS of legs. Here is a breakdown of a typical week:

Mon: LEGS (am) Cardio (pm)
Tues: CHEST/SHOULDERS/TRICEPS (am) Cardio (pm)
Wed: LEGS (am) Cardio (pm)
Thurs: BACK/BICEPS (am) Cardio (pm)
Fri: TOTAL BOD (am) Cardio (pm)
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Stretch

Thats right! Two a days...

1 gallon of water everyday and meals every 2.5-3 hours.

Might not be able to sit tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Every BODY is Different

This journey has been a very crazy/interesting one so far. First of all, I do have to say that it takes a lot of self discipline and motivation. You have to WANT it. And you have to be willing to do what it takes to get it. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Secondly.. After the first few weeks of attempting to train on my own, I had linked up with someone who has a lot of experience with training females in figure and bikini competitions. I have realized that you can read about it all day long and get opinions from people but every BODY is different. I originally started training with a friend. Her and I started out at two completely different places and were doing the exact same thing. Everyone has different reactions to different things. We had no direction. My advice is this: find someone that you trust and that knows what they are doing to help you put together a plan that is specific to you, and stick to them! You will have to drop some money on it but it is worth is especially if you are beginners like us. Everything we do has to be on point. Seven meals a day, no cheating. Eating meals in the proper time frame is one of the most important things when it comes to preparing for a show. Skipping a meal is like missing multiple workouts. I have cleared my schedule for the next 14 weeks. Trying not to commit to anything too crazy that could get in the way of my training and diet. I am starting at 135 lb, 14 weeks out which is a long way to go in a small amount of time. Most experienced competitors can balance a fun life while training at the same time but I am focusing as much as possible my first go round.

So, now I begin. 14 weeks out to the TX shredder. Meals ready. Two workouts a day five days a week and one on Saturday... more details on that to come!

Talk to you soon!

Blog Description

Hey everyone! I am doing my first Bikini competition in April and I have been trying to research information but I have not found a whole lot of info for beginners. SO I have decided to keep track of my experience and what I am doing to get ready for my first time... A bit of background info: health and fitness have been a big part of my life for quite some time now. However, doing the same workout routine without a goal can get a little boring. This is why when my friend Brittany came to me with the idea of doing an NPC Bikini competition I accepted the challenge. Lets be honest, the last time my body was even remotely bikini ready was in High School before I indulged myself during my fun college years. As I started my training I began to realize how many questions others had about health and fitness which always seemed as common knowledge to me (besides the nutrition aspect). My actions started to directly inspire and motivate other people around me. What an amazing thing! I am not trying to compete out of vanity or to win. I am competing to share my experience with others and to hopefully inspire you to live a healthy life too.

I officially started preparing for the TX Shredder in Austin on April 14th about 16 weeks out.. Stay tuned to share this exciting journey with me!