Sunday, February 26, 2012

7 weeks- Bikini Competition

7 weeks out to the tx shredder and I'm feeling pretty good. These past couple weeks have been more focused on burning fat so lots of cardio and sprint intervals in addition to lifting. It has not been until now that I want to eat everything and anything. For the most part I have been on point but I did add a few egg whites with salsa when I just had to eat more. Its also rodeo season here in Houston and for those of you that know anything about cookoff then you can understand how hard these past couple days have been for me. The company I work for sponsored a couple of tents so I went. I gave into the pressure and drank a little bit. I had a feeling it might happen so I did two hours of cardio in the morning to try and cancel it out. I still feel guilty. Although I am human so I am not upset with knowing that I am not perfect. The worst part of it all is i literally feel awful. I ended up with a huge stomach cramp and a terrible mood. Needless to say I will not be slipping up these next seven weeks.. It hurts! Again, I still have a lot of work these next seven weeks but here are my progression pics, sorry for the poor quality, I will fix that when I have a little more time:

I have been more irritable. It only takes a few annoyances to stress me out. Still working on balancing. I have also started waking up randomly around 3 am for about an hour, WIDE awake. I was told it was part of the diet. Nothing a little melatonin wont take care of and it really doesnt effect me as far as feeling more tired during the day.

Overall I am still enjoying the experience. I am going to start posing a lot more these next couple weeks. My suit is a bit big so I am looking into getting it altered or possibly getting a new one. Some other things I've started considering is hair extensions, hair, makeup, tan. But we have some time, i will definitely keep you posted :)

I went and got some eyelash extensions done this past weekend, more for myself, but they will look awesome on stage fot the competition. Mercedes at Luxury Lash Studio is a true artist and is so passionate about what she does they look AMAZING. Check them out!

The biggest thing I've learned about my journey so far is that competition prep is not for the faint of heart. You are tested every moment of everyday with every meal, every workout, every weekend, when everyone else around you is doing all of the things you miss.
"without deprivation from the norm, progress is not possible." - Frank Zappa

It's called a competition for a reason,
                   and I wouldn't change a thing.

Thank you to those who have been putting up with all of my craziness during this journey so far.. This would not be as enjoyable without you.

If you haven't already.. Make sure you like my Facebook page!

Monday, February 20, 2012

8 weeks- Bikini Competition! And white fish. Mmmmm

Hi friends!

Quick update this week. 8 weeks out and I had some changes. We added lots of cardio and sprints. Super tiring but each week is an adjustment. I typically have changes every two weeks so this week should be easier but still tough. Got my shoes in! They are a bit big but I can walk in them comfortably. I heard to go one size up so I did, but if there is a next time I will probably get my normal size. I practiced a bit of posing and walking just trying to get comfortable, I still have some work to do but this is where I am now:

My diet also changed. The biggest change was much more white fish..
It only took me a few months but ive found a way to enjoy my fish! I went with Swai. Its easier to keep together when measuring out portions, tastes better (in my opinion), and doesn't get slimy like the tilapia does (yuck). Here is how I make it taste yummy:

White pepper
Black pepper
Celery seed
Onion powder
Garlic powder

Put about 1/2 tsp of each spice on both sides of fish then bake at 375 for like 30 mins or until cooked through. I wasn't watching the time because I was prepping other foods at the same time.

More updates to come!

xoxo Jess

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just Say NO

My kitchen at work:



If I can keep from eating/drinking any of these things you can too! Just a few tips on how to keep from indulging in a world with so many unhealthy things right at our fingertips.

-My number one rule: be prepared! If you pack your lunch and small healthy snacks to eat throughout the day you are less likely to eat out or grab something that is not good for you.

-Eat every two and a half to three hours. By eat I do not mean eating seven square meals a day. Eating a small snack between meals that are high in protein and/or fiber will keep your blood sugar levels regulated which, in turn, will make you less inclined to grab for that candy bar or those chips when you get hungry. The goal is to never let yourself feel hungry. The sensation of hunger can also lead you to overeat. You may be hungry but its not necessary to eat the entire footlong sub, know what I mean?!

-Drink your water. If you consistently drink water as you should (see previous blog for water consumption recommendations) you will also be less likely to feel hungry.

-Chew mint gum. The minty flavor keeps me from craving sweets (my weakness). This pointer may vary person to person but this one does work for me.

-Keep your goals in mind. If you have not yet set your goals then why wouldn't you want to eat any of these things? Set your goals and keep them on your mind all the time, you can even put a pic of something that symbolizes your goal on or near something that you look at often. Like that cute bikini you want to look good in this summer, or a pic of your family that you consistently try to set the example for, or a quote that inspires you, or a fitness competitor (for me!).

Keep being awesome! I am LOVING all of the encouragement and support. Thank you for inspiring me everyday....

xoxo Jess


Hola!! Happy Thursday!

I have been getting SO much love from everyone in supporting my journey for this competition and i am beyond greatful. I am so blessed to have such good people in my life. Some of you may know that this is my second attempt at training for a competition. I tried to prep at the end of the season last year and I did not have the support that I have now. Needless to say, I did not succeed. I knew I had to make some changes in my life before attempting another prep and once I did I have never been so focused. I do get tired pretty often which is understandable (two workouts a day takes a toll on you) but I feel stronger than ever before!

A lot say to me, "I am not sure how you do it." To be honest, what I am doing is not the most impressive thing in the world. I am proud of myself when I can push myself further with each workout or when I pass up on something that I would normally love to do to keep from putting myself in a position to 'cheat'. I am not perfect. There is one thing that I am most proud of though and that is passing

Monday, February 6, 2012

9 weeks - Bikini Competition & Living Well On the Road

Hey guys!

As always, I hope you had another fantastic week! I am now at about nine weeks out. Started with posing this past weekend! It's important to have someone help you with posing who knows what ways are best to present your physique. There are many different ways you can position yourself to showcase your fine points. I will know more once more of the weight comes off but it was a great first run. I am down about 7 pounds from my starting weight from beginning of January which is good considering I am putting on some muscle. This coming week I am cutting down cardio and increasing the weight! Time to 'get buff'. This past week (week 10) was spent on the road for me. I also ordered my shoes! We are sticking with something simple that does not wrap around the ankle to prevent a 'cut off' look from the ankle to the lower leg. This is what my coach picked out:

Onto getting in done while on the road..

I had to be in Austin for work from Sunday to Thursday. I still managed to get in my two workouts a day and stick to my meal plan. That being said, I know a lot of people who have crazy hours or are always traveling for work so I decided to give some tips that may be helpful.

The most important thing to do while traveling is to be prepared. Packing food is like packing clothes. You have to pack for each day like you would with your outfits. If you are not committed to dinners or lunches bring foods that you can eat on the go or in your room. My insulated lunch bag makes it very easy to bring my food with me whenever I am on the go (which is about 99% of the time). I also have a large insulated bag that I pre prepared everything with and stored inside:

Most hotels will have a mini fridge, and if they dont you can usually rent one from the front desk for  a small fee (it was $10 for the week).

If you do not have the luxury of eating your own pre made meals and you have no choice but to eat out you can pretty much find protein and veggies on any restaurant menu. Skip the breads and appetizers and make sure you can order a healthy meal.

Some examples of things you can pre make and pack:

Turkey Wraps
Lettuce (keep dressing separate for salads)
Fruit - bananas, apples, pears
Canned Tuna
Pre cooked chicken breast
raw vegetables- carrots, broccoli, celery
peanut butter + sugar free jelly sandwich
oatmeal bars

My diet is a bit different due to competition prep so I pre cook and separate everything in tupperwear.
But thats just to give you an idea.

Lets talk about fitness!

Workouts on the road..

I am very thankful that I had a gym in the hotel I was staying at so I utilized that. It had a pretty decent weight room so I could still do what I needed to do and modify when I had to.

If you do not have access to a gym while on the road, plyometrics and body weight exercises are going to be your best bet. Here is a good sample of an exercise you could do right in your room!

30 squat jumps
25 pushups
25 dips (on a chair)
20 burpies
30 1 legged lunges (15 per leg)
  **One foot back on the bed or a chair

Repeat for a total of three rounds

After you complete this, go get your cardio on outside! Its always nice to get out of the hotel, especially if you are in a cool place. Running around downtown Austin was so awesome!

Hope this is helpful to those of you who are busy bees traveling around all the time for work or whatever else. Remember self discipline is key. No excuses.

Stay blessed!
