Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My First NPC Bikini Competition- Texas Shredder Classic: Results!

What an amazing experience. I would like to start off with saying THANK YOU! I am so thankful for everyone who has been reading along for my entire journey. This is one of the hardest but most rewarding accomplishements of my entire life so far.

That being said, the NPC Texas Shredder Classic was a huge success. There were SO many amazing girls that I was so lucky to even get the opportunity to step on stage with. From my understanding it was considered a big show. There were four classes (separated by height) A, B, C, D. I was in C. My class consisted of about 30 girls!!! I had NO idea what to expect. The only thing I knew was that in my heart, I was already a winner. The whole day I was calm just soaking in the experience. Getting ready back stage and sharing stories with the other competitors who I felt were like my sisters. There are not many who can endure the lifestyle that we had the last few weeks/months. It was when I stepped foot on the stage I felt my heart start to race. By the time I took center stage I felt my whole body shaking! Hoping the judges didnt notice I did my front and back poses and made my way to the line. Once all of the competitors are on stage they file us through in groups and then they start the first call out.... And the last number I heard... 197... Was ME! I couldnt believe it. I knew that it was pre judging so that did not necessarily mean that I had placed in the top five but I was SO excited!

There are more pictures online, http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?contest=22&year=510&bodybuilder=27063

Three months of HARD work just for this very moment. It was worth every lunge, squat, burpie, cardio session, and cookie I didnt get to eat! I was proud.

We went back to the hotel during the break, having NO idea what might happen that night.

As we all went back on stage for one last individual pose in front of the judges and came off stage. Then they made the announcment... 197!! I made top five!!!

I could not believe it! Just to think that three months before, weighing 135 and at least four pant sizes larger, stepping on a stage wearing a bikini would have been my biggest nightmare.

I am so thankful that I am surrounded by such great people who have inspired me and believed in me. It gave me the confidence to commit and follow through.

I also have to give a TON of credit to my coaches. This would have been near impossible without them OR the support of my loving other half... Who was kind enough to apply my tan! Judge all you want but he did a damn good job!

Last but not least. None of this would have been possible without God. He gives me strength in any endeavor I chose to take on in my life. This being the one of many.

Whats next?? Guess you will have to watch out for the next blog!!



Jess xoxo


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last Pre Competition Post

Well folks.. Only a couple days away. Workouts have lightened up a bit just light cardio these last couple days. Of course staying strict on the diet (very low in carbs right now) and drinking distilled water (1 gallon each day) until tomorrow mid after noon then small sips. Dehydrating a little to tighten up one last little bit. The big question I've been getting for the last few months is, what do you want to eat after?! I really don't know! I think I will see how im feeling after the show but I like this lifestyle and stuffing a burger down my throat after all of this work just doesnt seem appealing to me at all. I have been saving a box of thin mints for almost two months now you better believe I will be enjoying a few of those- cookies, not boxes :)

This has been the most amazing experience of my life. I would not have changed a thing. I was told that there are over 250 athletes signed up (overall). I am not sure how many I will be competing against but I have already had the pleasure of meeting a few of them and I must say the competition is steep! Nervous? Anxious? Not really.. I know that no matter what I do my life is in God's hands. I am just so thankful to be given the strength and ability to endure! Hopefully I keep my calm during the show as well. I am so excited to meet people who have gone through the same thing that I have over the last few months. I would LOVE to place top 5 but seeing as this is my first show I have no idea what might happen. There is no way in hell I will be disappointed, no matter what the outcome.  My good friend Brittany hooked me up with an awesome photographer so I could capture some pics for the occassion.. here are a few of them:

Thank you for the words of encouragement and good luck wishes! Im going to give em hell!

Austin Bound!


Philippians 4:13

"I can do all this through him who gives me STRENGTH."


Getting Stage Ready

Now for my favorite part about this whole journey, playing dress up!

Let's start with hair. The bikini division is a very fun flirty type of presentation. I am putting clip in hair extensions to give my hair a longer and fuller look so I have more to whip around. I like to ball on a budget so I made my own! It's really simple you can buy fake hair at any beauty supply store for under $40, make sure to get human hair so you can apply heat to curl/straighten it. Match it to your color. I bought mine LONG, you can always get them cut if they are too long . I have a total of four layers, some tripled and some doubled, just depends on which areas you want to look fuller. I decided to go BIG, you know what they say, everything is bigger in Texas! I measured each track to each layer of my head starting at the base of my neck up to the crown. I doubled (some were tripled) the layers up and sewed them onto small clips which I also got from the beauty supply shop. Make sure you use thick thread that matches the color of the hair. Here is how it turned out:

My coach will be doing my make up thankfully as I usually do not apply a lot of makeup. Stage lights wash you out so you may think its too much backstage when it's really not enough.

My jewelry is simple but blinged out! Bracelets, earrings, and ring all for under $7. Try charming Charlie, forever 21, or even a beauty supply store.

Still working on a base tan for a more natural look when I apply the rub on tan next weekend. I am SO excited!! Photo shoot on Tuesday. Last hard week, let the fun begin!

Xoxo Jess


Monday, April 9, 2012

1 week Bikini Competition

We are almost there!!!!

We did a bit of carb cycling this past week to try and get more of my mid section down. Two days in a row no carbs and then incorporate them back in slightly on the third day. This technique is exhausting but it definitely made a difference. No carb diets are not ideal for the norm because you have to have carbs for energy and also to help transport protein to your muscles, just remember this was for a competition (short term). The third day when I put carbs back into the diet was the day I was lacking the most energy. So here we are ONE week out, I still can't believe it.

This weekend was Easter.. Not easy at all! I was visiting family out of town but managed to avoid all of the home cooked food and still get my workouts in. Food was pre made and all packed up:

Sprints and plyo exercises. You only need a driveway or open space to do that, so the whole "I travel a lot" cop out...no excuses!

Weight was down to 115 last week... Wow! I haven't weighed that much since high school! And I never expected to again in my life. Its a great feeling. I have never felt so good or so healthy. I feel like I can accomplish anything I put my mind towards now, and in one week I will be considered as part of a small population of people who can say they have done a competitive fitness competition. What an amazing accomplishment in only 12 weeks! Just finishing up some final touches with workouts and REALLY focusing on a clean, lean diet this week. As I say in all aspects of my life...I will continue to do my best, the rest is in God's hands!

xoxo Jess
